Saturday, March 14, 2009

EOC Week 9

After seeing the film, I see how illicit activity affects others and not just owners of the product. I see that by buying their products just feeds their hunger for more money and therefore make more stuff to put out on the market. This is exactly what is happening with the drug traffickers in Mexico. They are fighting each other and the government harder to regain the sales ground that they used to have. The demand is high for their product and they want their customers back. Many wars around the world have started because of these type of operations.
I did not see how a thing as buying a fake watch or purse would affect people that didn’t have anything to do with it, but it chains down. When you buy their product, you are giving them the courage to create more “fake” things such as counterfeit medicine. In the film we saw how hundreds of people died because of a counterfeit cough medicine. If someone had not bought the counterfeits, it would have not been spread to so many parts of the world and the company would not still be operational.
I think that even buying a non eatable counterfeit product could harm the buyer. An original product made in a legitimate factory would have many restrictions on the materials that they can use to make their products, but in an illicit factory they would not. They use the cheapest materials possible not caring if it is toxic to the consumer.

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