Saturday, March 21, 2009

EOC Week 10

I think that the artist should have the right to express himself any way that he wants but there should be limits to what he does. I think that there should be rules to what is considered to be artistic. The creator of the movie created it saying that it was art. I think that it should be considered art only if there are strong artistic elements in it. I there is a lot of good acting it should be considered artistic no matter what type of movie it is. I don’t think that any of that art exists in anymore in porn today.

I do think that they were bias because she was the only and first woman. The male judge would say that she is thinking as a woman and not as a juror. I think that they thought that her views were going to be different just because she was a woman. I think that some things have changed but a lot of that still exists. I think that everyone should be seen just by their qualifications and not by their sex.

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