Saturday, February 21, 2009

Smash Doll

I would want a doll of all the big corporations that waste their money on unuseful things. many of the top people from companies will use money for things like personal vacations or personal objects and the money they spend comes from the consumers.
It is worse if the ones who are spending the money are government officials. This affects all the tax payers making the economy even worse.

Greed is Good

I think that greed is good because its the way this country and other successful countries have become powerful. You have to want the money in order to get the money. All companies that are successful is because they are greedy.

If people were not greedy then they would just be happy and not seek all the other possible ways for making money. Greed is what makes a corporation come up with new ideas and products to make more money. They will come up with different plans and different investments to make their business make more money. Many small companies will become greedy to be able to grow. I think that one thing that are made to make more money because of greed are extended warranties for cheap products. "A warranty is a guarantee or promise made by the manufacturer or seller that the goods offered really are what they are claimed to be." Essentials of bussiness law, Anthony Liuzzo,Pg 232. They will come up with many unusefule little things that will attract customers into buying them. Without greed, they would not be able to maintain themselves. “The owners of an LLC frequently have difficulty in raising additional funds to expand and maintain their business.” Essentials of business law, Anthony Liuzzo, pg 271.

Governments are also greedy. They will come up with many ways to get money for their departments and agencies. This makes countries get rich and powerful. Countries will be greedy about the products that they have access to. Countries can become greedy of a product like oil and ask for more money from others that purchase it from them. This is why all the oil companies have become very powerful that they can even influence the government.

I also think that greed is not good sometimes. Greed is the reason why there is a lot of corruption in the government. Governments will become influenced by large companies because of greed. They will make laws that will help the companies so that the companies help out the government.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Myspace hoax comments

"Now, I believe that the woman should be punished because of what she did. I don't blame her one-hundred percent for this girl's death, but she did have part in it, and I believe that she should be punished." Barnhurst, Valerie Louise

I also think that she should be punished. I think that because of her false identity someone died. I think that this should be classified as harrasment and child abuse because she was a minor. I dont think that the lady should be free.

"I felt that she was responsible for pushing this young girl over the edge. Whether she knew it or not this girl suffered from severe depression. With further research could this woman also be charged with even more including negligence? “Negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care necessary to protect others from risk.” (Essentials of Business Law, Liuzzo, 50, 51). She didn’t consider the girls state of mind at the time of this incident." Hill, Brittany Reann

You never know when a person is suffering of things like this and I think that she should be charged with negligence. She should have never faked being someone else and then create a harmful environment for her. It doesnt matter if the girl was suffering from anything she was creating a harmful environment for her online. I think that by making such comments she should have been charged.

"I do feel that the creator of "Josh's" profile was wrong and rather sick to do what she had done. Had the creator been another teenage girl, the incident still would have been sickening but not quite has harsh as it seems due to the fact that the profile was created by another teenage girl's MOTHER." Brietzke, Hannah Elizabeth

I think that she is right. It is very sickening that it was a girls mother. If there were problems between the two girls, the mother should have not intervened. I think that she should have just protected her daughter by looking over what she did online and who she spoke with. What she did was just harrasment. There were better ways of protecting her daughter that creating a fake profile to see what a younger girl was saying about her daughter online. There were more dangers for her daughter online than what ever the girl was saying online.

"The rationalizations behind why she chose to create the account and harass the girl are irrelevant. Maybe she did not intend for the girl to kill herself but she did however intend to do the girl harm. She posted publicly viewable bulletins on MySpace calling her names and saying all kinds of things that were not true. “Slander includes spoken words, gestures, actions and even omissions. Most cases of slander involve thoughtless statements that reflect on another person’s good name and reputation.” (Essentials of Business Law, Luizzo, pg 47)" Ter Avest, Anthony Eugene

She did slender the girl online. she did not only create false information, but she also posted many slanders about the girl. I think that there are many laws that she broke and should not be left unpunished. we all would like our kids to be protected while they are online and this should be the start of harsher rules aplied to cyber bullies. I think that if the woman is left unpunished, others will not be afraid to commit similar crimes .

Week 4 EOC

Crimes commited in film.
1. Bribery
2.False Advertising
3. Sexual Harassment
4. Perjur
5. Destruction of Propert
6. Lying Under Oath
7. Underage Drivers
8.Driving with out License
9. Speeding
10. Hit & Run
11. Trespassing
12. Assault
13. No Seatbelts
14. Reckless Driving
15. Child Endangerment
16. Misrepresentation
17. Libel
18. Slander
19. Defamation
20. Conversion